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We will keep all valuable consultations and reports "strictly confidential". We will make sure to restore the original state or compensate for any disadvantages caused by the consultation and exposure of the identity of the reporter.

Reporting center

For inquiries related to ethical management or to report unethical behavior, please use the contact information below.

  • Address : Hwaseung Group Audit team, 1079 Jangcheon BD Jungangdae-ro, Yeonje-gu, Busan
  • Telephone : +82 51-850-7070

Consultation and Report


Ethics Institute Reporter Input

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* A reply will be sent to the e-mail you entered.

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Personal Information Collection Agreement

-  Items of Personal Information for Collection : Name, e-mail address, contact number (phone number)
- Purpose of collection·use : Consultation and report processing and reply to results
- Retention·use period : After the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the information is destroyed without delay.
* However, if there is an obligation to preserve it according to the provisions of the relevant laws, it will be kept for a certain period of time specified by the laws.